You are here: Seminars > 2024 > October 9th

Vertex-transitive graphs and derangements

Marco Barbieri

University of Pavia & University of Milano-Bicocca

Time: 16:00-17:00 (GMT+8), Wednesday October 9th, 2024
Location: Zoom

Abstract: A derangement is a permutation without any fixed points. An outstanding property of derangements in a finite transitive permutation group is their abundance. What can we say about the portion of derangements of a group acting transitively on the vertices of a graph? In the present talk, we will introduce a lower bound on the portion of derangements depending only on the valency of the graph, and we will discuss its asymptotic behaviour compared to other general lower bounds.

Host: 丁兆宸 Zhaochen Ding
